Fillings or crowns are the usual methods for fixing damaged teeth. Tooth extraction and implant placement may be necessary in cases of severe tooth destruction. Dental implants are an excellent option for replacing lost or damaged teeth since they are attractive, long-lasting, and safe.
Keep reading to learn the signs that it is time to consider dental implants by a Family dentist in Grand Valley as a solution to a missing tooth.
Fixing vs. getting dental implants
- Tooth enamel is very durable, yet it can nevertheless sustain damage in the same way that any other bone does. The most common cause of a fractured tooth, excluding trauma, is extensive decay that weakens the tooth.
- Accidental facial or oral trauma, grinding one’s teeth, poor oral hygiene, biting down on something hard, or using one’s teeth as “tools,” like when one opens a bottle or can, are typical causes of broken teeth.
- A filling, crown, bonding, or veneer could fix a little chipped or fractured tooth. Conversely, tooth extraction may be necessary in cases of severe injury.
- If the fissure or fracture is large enough, germs might enter and cause an infection in the tooth. Inflammation of the pulp tissue in the teeth can lead to an infection that spreads to other parts of the mouth, including the cheeks and gums.
- It is common practice to extract a tooth that has broken off at the gum line. Only the tooth’s root is left after the enamel and biting surface has been removed. In many cases, the healthiest option is to remove the damaged root and replace it with an implant because the heart is highly susceptible to infection and can not be repaired.
- Extractions are the go-to method for treating severe cases of gum disease. Damage to the gums and teeth can result from periodontal disease. In extreme cases, your dentist may advise extraction of the diseased teeth, treatment of the gum disease, and eventual replacement of lost teeth with dental implants.
- Last but not least, if all else fails, a tooth extraction may be necessary. On occasion, patients may experience failure in their bonding or crowning attempts to restore the damaged tooth. The insufficiency of the dental structure makes the crown a potential candidate for loss. In such a case, dental implants offer a long-lasting and realistic alternative.
How dental implants are placed
When you see your dentist, he will look over your medical history, including your teeth and gums, as well as your general health. Dental implants can be a lifesaver for some patients, but for others, a bone graft may be necessary to restore jawbone density and support the implant. Following the evaluation, you and your dentist will talk about your options and formulate a strategy to get your smile looking great again.