Science plays an vital role in building growth and development of children, as well as taking interest in the things around them. Kids, from an early age, are introduced to science in one way or the other. You can start with short and easy techniques to make kids understand the science behind everyday things. Once kids develop an understanding of words, you can create an interest in science within them with the help of creative and innovative ideas. Learning science is important for kids so that they can develop their cognitive skills for better educational growth.
There is abundant information, and ideas, available for you to teach science to kids at home. The best way is to demonstrate the information that you are teaching. It helps children to understand the concept more easily. Kids are able to observe and analyze information with the help of practical demonstrations. Conducting easy experiments for kids at home can help them grasp the concepts for better learning outcomes. You can choose any experiment which can be easily performed at home. For example, the magic milk experiment. It is extremely easy for children to perform this experiment at home.
Sometimes, children might find it difficult to understand the concept through learning materials. Only reading, or glancing at information will not teach them the science behind the experiment. Instead, they need practical demonstrations of the experiment, in order to show how this phenomenon works. To carry out this experiment, you do not need too much time or money. These experiments are very affordable and kid-friendly. Connecting the experiment to real life situations would definitely make it easier for kids to understand the concept.
How to Perform an Experiment at Home
To perform the magic milk experiment, you take 1 cup of milk, food coloring liquid, dishwashing liquid, cotton swabs and a plate. Detailed steps to conduct the experiment are mentioned below:
- Take a plate and pour a cup of milk on the plate. Make sure that the milk is spread all over the plate.
- Now, add a few drops of food coloring to the plate containing milk. You can use a single color or multiple colors.
- Then, pour dishwater liquid into the plate. Take a cotton swab and dip it in the dishwasher liquid. Touch the surface of the food coloring on the plate containing milk. Step aside and watch the reaction.
The result of this experiment is that there is a chemical reaction between the dishwasher liquid and milk on the plate. You can observe swirly patterns of colors forming on the plate.
Benefits of Learning Science through Experiments at Home
Kids must understand that learning science through experiments helps them in grasping information more effectively. There is a substantial list of experiments that you can perform at home for kids. Apart from this experiment, you can also try the egg in vinegar experiment where eggs are dipped in vinegar to make them rubbery and bouncy. This is due to the chemical reaction between vinegar and the eggshell, which is made of calcium carbonate. Similarly, you can conduct more science experiments for kids. Some of the benefits of learning science through experiments at home are mentioned below:
- Enables children to understand concepts easily.
- Improves observation and critical thinking skills.
- Develops organizational and analytical skills.
- Creates interest among children to learn science.
- Improves academic performance and better learning outcomes.
- Promotes engagement and entertainment while performing experiments.
- Enhances learning experience among children.
- It relates the concepts that they are learning, to the real world.
- Builds confidence to perform experiments with a growth mindset.
- Imparts scientific knowledge on the concepts that they are learning.